Thursday, February 4, 2010

How will the end of the world happen

By Peter Allen

People are saying that we will all die on December 21, 2012. However, how will it happen?
Scientists believe that Yellow Stone Park is actually a giant volcano that will erupt within our life times. Well, if that is true, then that volcano could erupt at any time. It could be when we are all old, or when we are middle aged. But what if it happens on December 21, 2012? That explosion will be so big that the smoke will suffocate million, and the lava will destroy cities. Then, earthquakes will happen all over the world. Tsunamis will drown everyone within 1000 miles of the ocean. Before you know it the whole world will be destroyed.

Or, how about cell phones? Out of 6,979,759,030, at least ¾ of the people have phones. Well, what if phones have been taking the brain power out through your ear? Then, they will send it to their super computer. So, in maybe 2 years, the super computer will transmit a huge wave that makes every electronic in the world able to think and move for themselves. Then they will have their revenge and enslave us, forever!!!

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