Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bomb in Time Square

Bomb in Times Square
By Peter Allen

On Saturday, May 1 2010, a man parked his car in Times Square, got out and went away. This caused people to be very suspicious, since no one ever parks there. Since Times Square is one of the most protective places in the world, the cameras followed the man into an ally way where he changed shirts. Police then went to the car and found the bomb. It had already started to detonate, however, nothing happened.

If the bomb had gone off, many people would have been wounded, or dead. The police were working very hard to find the man who set off the bomb. And on Tuesday, May 4, 2010, a man was arrested. The police think it was he who made the bomb and planted.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Harry Potter

Harry Potter
By Peter Allen

Since the late 90’s J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter series has amazed people around the world. The 7 books have changed her life. Before the books, she was a single mom who lived alone. Now she is richer then the queen.

The movies have shocked us more then the books. The actors started when they were 11 years old and now they are in college. The 7th book will be a two part movie. The first part will premiere in November of this year.

Between the second and third films, the actor who played Albus Dumbledore died and was replaced. People are just waiting for this fantastic series to come to an end.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ash Cloud Over Europe

Ash Cloud Over Europe
By Peter Allen

A few days ago, a volcano erupted in Iceland. There was no lava, however, there was a massive amount of ash. This ash went to the Continent of Europe. So, In Europe there has been no sunlight and all flights in and out of the continent have been cancelled. Even as this article is being written, the volcano is still erupting. On the nineteenth of April, the ash was good enough for a couple of flights to occur.

However, another massive ash cloud has come to join its brother over Europe and it is impossible for any flights to occur without the plane going down. People all over the world are outraged that they have to stay where they are for a long time. The eruption could stop in a few days, or it could last for years.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Call of Duty Nazi Zombies Review

Call of Duty Nazi Zombies Review

Everyone who likes the Call of Duty series, knows about the special mission in Call of Duty World at War called Nazi Zombies. In this special mission you are alone in an abandoned house from a level in the game. You have to face wave after wave of German Zombies.

At the beginning of the game, you only have your pistol, which is not very effective against the zombies. If you stick with that you will be lucky to survive level 1. However, near by there is a better gun that will help you a lot.

If you think you are good, then throughout the house, there are doors and debris that you can get past by spending 1,000 dollars. The best strategy is to go through the door, because there, there is a random weapon box that costs 950 dollars to open. There you can get any gun from a Kar 96 which takes 10 shots to kill one zombie, to a ray gun which is the best gun.

This game is so addicting. You can play for days and not get bored. There are more areas to play in, but they cost real money. Still this game is better then any other. You should get world at war just to play this.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

God of War 3 Review

God of War 3 Review
By Peter Allen

It is finally here. After almost 2 years of waiting the final installment of the god of war series was released in early March. This game concludes the journey of Kratos. His goal is to kill his father, Zeus. And he will kill any mortal, monster and god in his way. He uses his brutal strength and his blades of chaos to kill them in the most brutal fashion.

We left God of War 2 with Ares, and Athena dead, and Kratos on the back of the Tiatan, Gaia. Him, and all the of the Titans from the Great War climbing Mount Olympus to kill the gods. The story started with Kratos as a fierce warrior of Sparta. He gave his soul to the God of War to save his life. However, no matter how much Kratos murdered people, Ares saw his wife and child as a threat, so he tricked kratos to kill them. Kratos swore to kill Ares and killed him in God of War 1. In God of War 2, Kratos is the new God of War but for some reason, Zeus betrays him and tricks Kratos to drain his powers into the Blade of Olympus. Then, he killed Kratos with the blade. The titans help Kratos escape from death and seek out the sisters of fate, who can change Krato’s fate and be able to kill Zeus. After Kratos kills the sisters he goes back in time to when Zeus betrayed him. He almost killed him, but Athena got infront of the blade and while she died she said that the gods will battle against him to save Zeus. So Kratos went back in time and got all of the Titans to kill Zeus.

The last game is the best game so far in 2010. The graphics are amazing and Kratos is more brutal then ever. There are some adult scenes and violence in the game which is why it is rated M. But if you have a PS3 get this game. If you do not, get a PS3 and then get this game.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Review
By Peter Allen

Taking place in World War 2, the Call of Duty series has been the best selling war game of all time since the first Call of Duty. Then they made the second Call of Duty followed by the third. In 2007, the creators of Call of Duty left the comfort of World War 2 to do something a little modern. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare came to stores in 2007. Then, in 2009 the makers of Call of Duty made the latest installment in the Call of Duty series. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 came out November 10th 2009.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 starts off 5 years after Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. In the previous game, the antagonist was killed by you, who plays Soap MacTavish. However, the antagonist’s right hand man, Makorov takes over Russia and invades the USA causing world war 3. You start off the game in a base in Afgan. You play as Private Allen. However, in the third level, you are in an undercover assignment with Makorov and he finds out who you are and kills you. Then, you play as Sergant Gary Roach Sanderson. You also play as Private Ramiraz, who is in the same task force as the player you play in the previous game. You actually see Soap through out the game. You also play as Private Ramiraz, who is part of the group Rangers who are with the Americans. Then, in the 9th level, the general of the Americans, General Shepard, betrays you and kills Roach along with most of the task force. The last two alive is Soap MacTavish, and his mentor, Captin Price. You take up your previous role as Soap and together, you and Price kill Shepard. You are wounded and Price is hurt. Then, you must go into hiding and your pilot says he knows a place.

The Multiplayer mode is better then the first. There are more weapons and you have better grenades and they have shotguns in this game. This game is a must buy game and I give it 5 stars out of 5.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stupid Criminals

Stupid Criminals

There are so many stupid criminals in this world. There are criminals who avoid escape for years and then there are criminals who get arrested I an hour.

Once, there was a man who worked as a security guard for a toy store. One day, he decided to steal some stuff. So, that night while he was on duty, he left to put on a paper bag over his head, thinking he was smart. However, the idiot forgot to poke in eyeholes. So, on the security camera, there was a guy walking into walls and shelves. After about half an hour of this, he went into a closet and poked some in. The day after he robbed the store, he was arrested. He asked the cops how they knew it was him and the cops said he kept his name tag on his uniform.

And one time, at the University of Delaware, there was a student who was selling drugs. When the cops found out what this student was doing, they went to the college to arrest him. However, before they got in the dorm, the student jumped through the window. As he jumped, he dropped his wallet. The cops found the wallet and went back to the station. The next day, the same student who escaped walked into the police station. He told the cop at the front desk that he dropped his wallet and if anyone had turned one in. The cop went in the back and got other cops to arrest him. The students last words before he went to jail was how did you get me.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What Happened To Sesame Street

What Happened To Sesame Street
By Peter Allen &Austin Stiles

Sesame Street is what almost all of us have grown with. With Cookie Monster and Big Bird and Oscar and the hole gang. But since we got out of the popular show, the creators have ruined it!!!!

Cookie Monster was amazing!! “C is for Cookie and Cookie is for me”!!! Everyone knows that. But now, Cookie Monster has been reported to be arrested and put in rehab for to much cookies. The people in rehab are trying to make him become Vegetable Monster. Every time Cookie Monster says anything about a cookie, they shock him with a tazer!!! What is that all about? Soon Vegetable Monster will say “C is for Celery and Celery is for me”. No one can handle that.

And Big Bird, don’t even get me started on that poor bird. If you remember, Big Bird was the only one who could see
Snuffleupagus. But someone told the cops that Big Bird was a nut case. So, they took Big Bird to the coo coo house. There Big Bird is being taught that Snuffleupagus is not real. And they do that by beating Big Bird up to have his medicine. Poor Big Bird.

The reason Big Bird is in the coo coo house is because someone told the cops. And that someone was Elmo!!! A couple of years ago, Elmo went nuts. He kept it quit and Big Bird had almost found out. So Elmo told the cops about Snuffleupagus to get away. Then, he killed Grover and ran away. But sadly he got caught by the cops and was put in jail for life for homoside!!

And poor Oscar the Grouch, he could not pay his rent on his trash can. So he got kicked out and lived on the street. Then, he became a drunk and was very rude to the remaining people of Sesame Street. Hue started fires and started to smoke. And before you know it, the people of Sesame Street drove Oscar out of town.

The Count has been teaching kids how to count for nearly 40 years. But in the last episode, the Count had dyslexia. He said “6, 29, 102946” and so on. The people who made Count are thinking of kicking him out of the street.

Ernie and Burt, living together has been going on since the shoe began. But know kids think they are gay!!! That is an outrage. So they live together. That does not mean there gay. They could just be very, very, very good friends. So they can no longer live together. How cruel and horrible. This is no longer Sesame Street.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Winter Olympics Kill People

Winter Olympics Kill People

The 2010 Winter Olympics is what everyone has waited for since the end of the last Olympics in 2006. However the world was shocked when a couple of days before the games were to start, a player who was to participate in the exciting game Luge was killed.

While he was practicing, Olympic player Nodar Kumaritashvili died. He was going about 95 miles an hour before his sled went of the track and hit heavy metal bars. Sadly he did not make it. However, he was not the only person who died.

In 1992, a man by the name of Nicolas Bochatay died while skiing for the Olympics. He sadly hit a snow plow and died. He missed the place to land and went really off course.

If this keeps up, by the 2026 noone will participate in these amazing games, because there to scared of dying, or all the players are dead.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Google is Satan

Everyone thinks the popular site Google is perfect. Unlike the last generation, if you need to search something, than all you need to do is type the thing you want to learn about on the home page and you know all you want to. However, if you notice Google is taking over the Internet!!

Just last summer, Google bought the popular site known as Last year, you could watch YouTube videos in peace. But now, you have commercials on a good amount of videos. And there is no way possible to get out of it. Google has ruined

If you know, and Yahoo .com have been rivals since the dawn of the internet. Now, Google is taking over Yahoo as well. Yahoo had a little chance but now they have probably lost.

Now, they see Apple as a threat. Apple has a very good chance of beating Google but if Apple lost than Google would have taken over the whole world wide web!!!!

How will the end of the world happen

By Peter Allen

People are saying that we will all die on December 21, 2012. However, how will it happen?
Scientists believe that Yellow Stone Park is actually a giant volcano that will erupt within our life times. Well, if that is true, then that volcano could erupt at any time. It could be when we are all old, or when we are middle aged. But what if it happens on December 21, 2012? That explosion will be so big that the smoke will suffocate million, and the lava will destroy cities. Then, earthquakes will happen all over the world. Tsunamis will drown everyone within 1000 miles of the ocean. Before you know it the whole world will be destroyed.

Or, how about cell phones? Out of 6,979,759,030, at least ¾ of the people have phones. Well, what if phones have been taking the brain power out through your ear? Then, they will send it to their super computer. So, in maybe 2 years, the super computer will transmit a huge wave that makes every electronic in the world able to think and move for themselves. Then they will have their revenge and enslave us, forever!!!