Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Dead

Today, on Monday, May 2, 2011 Us forces located and killed the terrorist Osama Bin Laden. Us forces found him in a cave in Akistan. Osama was of course the person incharge of the terrible tragedy on 911. He destroyed the twin towers in New York and damaged the Pentagon. The CIA and US forces decided that the tip they had got would be worth the try. The US government decided not to tell the Pakistan government, since they were scared that the word would get out and Osama could escape. He was killed in the early morning and the whole country is celebrating this happy day. There were rumors throughout the week about wether Osama really had been killed, or if he was stilll alive out in the world. However, these rumors were put to rest when the terrorist grup called Al Kida did confirm that their leader, Osama had been killed. Also, there was a picture confirming the death of the ruthless killer from President Obama. The president however did not make these pictures open to the public. The reasons for this were because the picture was very grusome, with a bit of Bin Laden's face missing. Also Obama believes that putting this picture out would indeed make it seem that we were laughing in Osamas face. However, across the seas the United Kingdom is uneased. They are warning the US that there could be a counter strike. The country is on red alert until everything calms down. However, one thing can be sure though. We know that Osama will never kill anyone or hurt anyone ever again.

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